IPS Ltd has provided a range of bespoke hardware and software solutions to enhance all our customers’ existing technologies, take a look at our products below.
Industries and Software Integration
BarConvenience RetailHospitalityCafeEducationGeneral RetailRestaurantHotel & Leisure
IPS Ltd has provided a range of bespoke hardware and software solutions to enhance all our customers’ existing technologies, take a look at our products below.
Customers can use a range of payment methods to purchase products at the till using cashless catering, these include Cash, Apple, Android, Google Pay, Debit or Credit Card, Vouchers, Cheques and the ID Cards (that are supplied to staff, students, visitors or contractors). Scanning an issued ID card at a till will identify that user and select them. Once selected the operator can identify them by their name, photograph, and current cashless/bursary balance.
The system is compatible with a range of PDQ machines and can be integrated with any payment provider. Our method of installation enables tills to work offline when your networks fail. Once the tills are back online i-Till – cluster synchronization will take place and a full update on the transactions will be visual. This avoids downtime when these occurrences take place. i-Till utilizes hardware that is manufactured by our partner, Posiflex.
It comes in a variety of models and is currently used by a range of companies including Waitrose and KFC. Some of the units we have been supplying have been in situ for over 9 years and are still fully functioning today. i-Till – Cashless Catering Solution, means every till is included on a central server and will contain all the information that has been generated by every till user.
Solution Type: F2F (WPT Retail)
Supported PEDs: Verifone P400